The ROCK-IT’s mission is to enable startups (< 200) to build and improve their ‘people’ capabilities and key results in order to create highly engaged teams, structures and an EVP they can build their future on. The ROCK-IT empowers individuals and co-creates the unexpected.


The ROCK-IT’s vision (in the long-run) is to become an inclusive hub to inspire and connect innovative, remote-first startups and their individuals with everything people-related, sharing the art & science of the ‘people space’.

Let’s collaborate and get in touch!


The purpose of the ROCK-IT is to give a positive, meaningful experience to the people I work with. I believe in doing good and helping others reach new horizons.

Developing awareness is my
key principle.



Where ‘transparency’ meets ‘trust’ = I talk simple


I work hard to deliver tangible value for people


People come first, and people are different, this needs commitment


I’ve always loved art and science. As a child, I was painting landscapes of our local lake while competing in nation-wide Maths & Physics competitions. Later, I connected the dots and realised that art and science are not mutually exclusive, but that I could unite the skills I have gained in both in the ‘people space’. This made me create the ROCK-IT 🚀, a passion project (~love letter) to the fascinating nature of humans and their organisation into startups. I studied Architecture, Business and graduated with a first degree as an Economist from the University College London. Then I trained in a Coaching modality (2018), followed by a CIPD qualification (2018). I am now studying Psychodynamic Counselling at the University of Oxford. I bring a unique combined skill set of mathematics, data, strategy, critical thinking (~science) and facilitation, empathy, intuition and creativity (~art). This dynamic approach differentiates me from most People/HR professionals and enables me to achieve excellent outcomes for my clients. I work mostly virtually (or in person in London) with exciting, innovative businesses and individuals around the world.

I have been primarily working with early-stage startups as a HR/People consultant, Chief People Officer or as their first ‘HR’ hire to build the people function or reach specific OD targets or people KPIs. I have enabled startups to grow from 15 to 40, or from 50 to 200+. I also worked in 5 different countries including Washington D.C, Prague, Sao Paulo, London and Budapest. I graduated as an economist at UCL, studied Psychotherapy in Oxford, worked as a Management Consultant at PwC and completed my CIPD and Coaching qualifications as well. I now mostly work with coaching/personal consultancy clients where I can focus on dedicated 1:1 support building a strong relationship. Each project and client is different. I am best at helping startups get ready and structured for growth and helping individuals to develop and reach new horizons in their personal and professional lives.

I grew up in a family of six children, and spent much of my time helping out in our family-owned restaurant in Hungary, but I have spent most of my career across the U.S., Brazil, Czech Republic and the UK. I currently live in East London with my husband.
My parents do not have a degree and I am the first in the family to have learned English. Early on, I formed two key values in life: the power of hard work (~ drive) and the joy of helping others (~ empathy). My incredible parents taught me these guiding principles.

I started working in our beach-buffet at a young age and I have grasped the meaning of hard work and earning, as well as uncertainty while I also had the space to connect with customers and understand the operation of a business. On top of that, I had the drive to make a difference in my life and I studied very hard to excel at school and achieve an international career with a world-class degree in Mathematics, Economics and Psychotherapy. It has not always been easy but the ride has been immense fun, have taught me a lot, and the adventures helped me develop an awareness of who I am. I bring this self-awareness to the work I do with individuals and organisations.

Adversity was a key factor in my life (as it is for many of us) and has led me to recognise the power of helping others, as well as the importance of inclusion. Being a gay boy in Hungary, having a brother in a wheelchair and losing another brother at a young age taught me what it feels like to be different. This then allowed me to better understand and feel with others who may be excluded or in need of help. Later, I realised that I find joy in supporting others, and helping them to grow. In the ‘people space’, I have found my playground to live my values of drive and empathy. The ROCK-IT’s values of honesty, ambition and inclusion originate from these guiding principles.

The ROCK-IT project is currently run only by myself and I am selective about the work I can deliver, especially as I am fully-fully committed in my role as Head of People for a value-driven, impact startup in climate.

To answer the question, I have relevant qualifications in the People and Coaching space and a history of successful delivery in my previous roles as Head of People or Chief People Officer. I am also happy to provide further references. But most importantly, along with ROCK-IT’s main value, I am always honest about what I can offer you. I will only offer my services if I genuinely believe that I can deliver value and make a positive impact to you or your business.

I have been primarily working with early-stage startups as a HR/People consultant/partner or as their first ‘HR’ hire to build the people function or reach specific OD targets or people KPIs. I also have coaching/personal consultancy clients. Each project and client is different. I am best at helping startups get ready and structured for growth and helping individuals to develop and reach new horizons in their personal and professional lives.

Email, mobile, website, LinkedIn – all work fine. I am happy to connect and learn more about your plans, challenges or ideas.

I am also super happy to collaborate and connect with anyone who is passionate about the ‘people space’. Let’s talk.

Yes, I offer a free ‘connect-session’ (without any commitment) to all coaching clients (Individuals) so they can decide whether they are interested in working with me.

When it comes to Startups and Teams, the discovery call is also free in which we can learn whether we are a good fit to work together – but I have no availability currently.

It varies especially as I am building the ROCK-IT project alone and I am in a leadership role with a fantastic startup.

Re coaching clients…everyone is different. Some desire more time and session than others depending on the project. I believe in consistency and commitment building a strong, long-term relationship.

Let’s collaborate in the ‘people space’!